Does Your Business Pass the Dream Test?

Does Your Business Pass the Dream Test?

“Whatever you think, be sure it is what you think; whatever you want, be sure that is what you want; whatever you feel, be sure that is what you feel.” ~ T.S. Eliot Like many of you I spend December reflecting on the past year. Our businesses make up a big part of who...
Why I Use WordPress

Why I Use WordPress

After helping a few clients build their websites on WordPress I have come to appreciate how empowering it can be for the small business owner. I can remember back in 2007 when I started my consulting business and created my own website using Adobe contribute. It was a...
Old Trees and Marketing Systems

Old Trees and Marketing Systems

I spent this past weekend trying to uproot parts of a tree that had worked its way into my back lawn. The root system was pretty extensive and after a couple of hours I still wasn’t done. Removing unwanted roots isn’t an easy task! Since 2009, the economy has...

Why Aren’t You Online?

“Your online presence is your key to success no matter what your business sells no matter if all of your transactions are done face-to-face no matter if you don’t yet see a way to get a return from your Facebook page no matter if you’ve never bought...

Image is Almost Everything

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." – Steve Jobs   If you've been following the Duct Tape Marketing approach so far you have identified who your ideal clients are and have developed a great marketing message that...